DSCC Group

Business Consulting for Companies and Societies


DSCC Group, is a company created by the project and the idea of Vincenzo Giacalone, who wanted to offer companies and societies a complete business consultancy service, structured in two specific channels; Direct Sales & Network Marketing and B2B.

The desire and willingness to make skills and energies available to more companies has been the important thrust for the transformation of Direct Selling Consulting Company, present on the market for more than 15 years, into DSCC Group. The company was structured in 2019 as an important partner and is able to offer effective and all-round support in the field of Business Consulting.

DSCC Group relies on the thirty years of experience in strategic, commercial and technical consultancy of Vincenzo Giacalone and his partnerships with professionals, with diversified and complementary skills, in specific sectors (HR and training, marketing and communication, legal and regulatory, administration and control management).

Vincenzo Giacalone, born in 1967, from the beginning of his career, has gained vast experience with Companies operating in the Direct Selling sector, developing a specific competence in Business Management and Strategy and in the Area of Commerce and Sales. He has a passion for the world of Direct Selling and in 2003 this sparked the natural transformation into a specific activity within Business Consultancy with the birth of Direct Selling Consulting Company.

Vincenzo Giacalone is a partner of Meridian MMI (international consulting structure in the world of direct sales) and is one of the teachers of MANEM (Master in Network Marketing) at the Liuc University of Castellanza.


DSCC Group offers diversified consulting activities tailored to the needs and objectives of its clients, in order to be a functional and effective support for companies. The goal is to set actions and solutions that have all the features to guarantee a result over the agreed period and constant benefits over time.

The main activities are Strategic & Technical Consulting, Commercial Consulting, Sales Force Management in B2B and Recruiting and Training in Direct Selling and MLM.

Direct Sales Channel and Network Marketing: a Strategic and Technical consultancy able to intervene immediately, and in a structured way, by offering processes and plans functional to the activity of the Companies, ensuring, both the customer and the market, a professional and reliable visibility of this working model. DSCC takes particular attention to the different elements that characterize each company and to the regulatory aspects and to the regulations required to start business domestically or to start the business abroad.

B2B channel: a consultancy in the Commercial area in which the most effective plan and strategy to increase business on traditional sales channels are developed and in which integrated and more appropriate solutions for Sales Force Management are defined with a dynamic and operational approach. This includes optimization plans and improvements for commercial development and sales.

Thanks to its experiences and skills and the support of reliable partners, DSCC Group is able to perform feasibility analysis of actions and processes in order to bring concrete and effective solutions.

DSCC Group collaborates with the two Associations:  AVEDISCO and Univendita,
within a program of development and promotion of activities and culture in the world of Direct Sales and MLM


Milan is the base of DSCC, with other activities throughout Italy and abroad.

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