The strategic and technical consulting activity aims to develop and manage professional services and projects for Italian and foreign companies and societies that operate, or intend to do so, in the field of direct sales. Among the proposed activities, DSCC is a partner of the consulting network Meridian MMI, to assist with internationalization to support companies in all phases of the process of starting up a new activity abroad: market research in the target country, evaluations of market entry, legal and authorization aspects of the individual country, support for operational start-up, recruitment & executive search, management of the sales network, including temporary management.

Thanks to the extensive experience of DSCC Group, the Direct Selling Consulting Company division is constantly engaged in supporting companies by proposing a methodology built over the years and structured on a range of functional elements for concrete, immediate and functional support.

Every single request for intervention is shared by the DSCC team to understand the guidelines and identify and propose the most suitable solution for each company, as each has its own facets and characteristics and, therefore, has different needs and objectives.

The strategic and technical consulting of Direct Selling Consulting Company is developed in three main areas: 

  • the preventive consultancy which aims to optimize, modify or replace the existing activities with targeted interventions before they become ineffective or non-functional
  • the improvement consultancy which focuses on the observation, analysis and identification of the most effective activities and elements in order to consolidate and enhance them and increase their value and achievement of objectives, in a shorter time
  • “prompt intervention” advice, that is activated in critical situations in a timely manner and with targeted activities, so as to provide immediate and effective support